
Most of us have detected the spoken language "assuming makes an ass (out of) u (and) me.

But did you cognize that assumptions are well thought out the worst gel of knowledge?

And yet we ass-u-me we cognise specifically what our better half requests and requests. We past act accordingly, and are surprised and sadden once we brainstorm out we were incorrect.

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The answer for fashioning assumptions

Did you know that location is a restore to health for making assumptions? Well, I usually try to produce holding as innocent and usable as possible, lacking all the psycho-babble rubbish.

As Albert Einstein said:

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"Everything should be ready-made as unproblematic as attemptable but no simpler."

But this instance I'm going to have to get a minor difficult and extravaganza off that large priced level for which I worked so baffling. Hold on to your seats, and get pen and serious newspaper in hand, because present comes a immensely problematical and cosmopolitan mental principle:

The solution for forward is to (drum roll, humour.....) ASK!

That's precisely ask.

It truly can be that easy.

And away near the childish feeling that if you have to ask afterwards it doesn't miserable as some. As utterer and writer Mark Victor Hansen ("Chicken Soup for the Soul") is warm of saying,

"you have to A-S-K to G-E-T."


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